Thursday, October 24, 2013

Preview to my New Movie, In Your Shadow

A preview to an upcoming movie in November; In Your Shadow.
An Epic Erin story

     Natalie! Ugh. You didn’t wear the dress I told you to!” Marie-Grace called down the stairs.
     Natalie groaned and shoved her laptop into her backpack. “You shouldn’t be looking through my closet, anyway!!”
     It was a warm, sunny Thursday; flowers were blooming, birds were singing, and…McKenna was screaming.
     “My gymnastics competition is tomorrow and I have not practiced enough! Oh, think, McKenna, think…” she cried as she tapped her head with her fist.
     Yep. It was another hectic afternoon in the girls’ household.
     Marie-Grace stomped down the stairs and threw a frilly pink dress at Natalie. “What a fashion disaster! You’ve worn that “Star Hoodie” or whatever you call it for three days straight; or has it been MORE than that?!”
     “I like it, okay, now just let me live my own life,” Natalie sighed. She loved Marie-Grace, but sometimes she just couldn’t stand her.
     “Ugh, I agree with Marie-Grace!” McKenna exclaimed.
     “Not about the dress; I hate dresses too. It’s that STINK! At least put some deodorant on.” McKenna plugged her nose as she shoved her leotard into a bag.
     Natalie crossed her arms. “I do not stink! Maybe if you wore this shirt, you’d see how amazing it is!”
     “Oh, no thank you! I don’t want that…” McKenna said with a giggle, “stink!”
     “Can’t we just try to live a sophisticated life around here?!”
     Pretty soon, if you walked through the door of their home, all you’d hear was screaming and yelling. And the occasional break of a good lamp. But if you ran through the hallway, avoided a few things being thrown, and ran down to the dark basement, tears would come to your eyes. Because you’d see how sad a little girl named Caroline was…
     Tears streamed down her face as she stared at the somewhat “group picture” of Natalie, Marie-Grace, and McKenna hanging on the wall. No one paid any attention to her. She sighed and pulled a pillow to her stomach. “Everything will change…one day. Right?” she whispered as she clutched the pillow closer. They had at least one pet. They had tons of friends. They were treated like human beings! Well, not exactly human beings…they were treated like doll beings!
     Why did she even bother going to Erin’s grandparents’ house with the others? The other dolls didn’t ever say a word to her, either. Because they don’t even know I exist. They still think Erin’s cousin, Sarah, has one more doll…and that’s all thanks to McKenna, Natalie, and Marie-Grace convincing them that they’d never get a new sister, she thought. But then, suddenly, she got a new burst of confidence. “They may think there are 7 of us, but there are 8! I’ll show them!
     Caroline didn’t know where that burst of confidence came from, but she was glad it did. Because maybe, just maybe if she came up with some sort of plan, she’d be treated just as equal as everyone else! She ran up the stairs and opened the basement door just a crack.
      “Can we please leave already?!”
     “Not until you stop being so stinky!
     Something else Caroline didn’t know was what that was all about…and she didn’t care. All she knew was that she had to slip by them without them knowing…and that should be pretty easy. She opened the door and ran down the hallway as fast as she could, quickly grabbing the house phone, for emergencies. The front door unlocked with a click…she had made it. She just had to get to Erin’s grandparents’ house before everyone else, and then maybe the other girls would get to meet her! But the question was…how?

I wrote this story for a preview to the movie I'm doing in November. It won't be EXACTLY like this, but I just wanted to try it out. I copied and pasted this from Microsoft Word. 

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